Esme Eliv Full Name: Esme Eliv
Birthday:April 30th
Blood: Pure
Birth Place: London, England
Nationality: British
Current Residence: London,England
Family:Esme's family is a pureblood family going back a long time. They all care for others and are a very sweet and caring family. They will give anything to anyone doesnt matter who or what they all. They are one of the more rich families but are not the richest.
History: Esme grew up with her mother and father she was a only child and was a very bright child one of the smartest. But she did have her flaws she was quiet she hated talking and she hated having to wear dresses she would rather be outside skate boreding or running around then studying. She hates how her mother wanted her to be proper. She grew up learning how to sit quietly and how to talk nicely when she got to Hogwarts that all went away she was sorted into Ravenclaw and she loved it in there even if they were all very nice and not to her liking she still made lots of friends and loved it in there. Now she runs a little shop in muggle london that makes alot of stuff liek teddy bears and dresses.
Appearance: Dark brown hair, brown eyes, pale skin, 5'8 and slim.
Personality: Esme is a kind girl always listing to what people have to say and caring about everyone. All though if you piss her off beware she is scary she will rip you apart. She will not blink a eye if you die in front of her from her hand. She is scary but she is also very proactive she will never hurt someone she cares for alot. She loves everyone in her family even if they annoyance her.