Adrian Michealson Full Name: Adrian Michealson
Gender: Male
Birthday: 5/7/1994
Age: 21
Blood: Squib (But his family was pureblood)
Birth Place: London, England
Nationality: British
Current Residence: London,England
Family:Adrain's family hates him all because he cant do magic because he never got his letter at 11 and because he wasn't like them because he is different. He hates them to this day all of them accept the now 14 year old who at the time was only 2 at the time and had nothing to do with it. He doesn't see his 14 year old brother but he keeps a check on him. Makes sure he has enough to eat and always has good clothes and a broom even though he cant buy brooms and such. His family doesn't care for his brother because he has a weaker skill at magic then the rest of them so they treat him poorly.
History: Growing up Adrian hated his family because they kicked him out at 11 because he didn't get his letter or show any signs of magic at all. He hates them very deeply accept his 14 year old brother who was only 2 at the time. His brother isnt good at magic and is only strong in charms. He always makes sure his brother is well and has enough to eat and good clothes and such even though he would never dare show his face to his brother. As Adrian grew up more and more he learned of this group of people called witch hunters and so when he was 18 he joined them having his muggle job but also having his work with them.
Appearance: Dark brown hair, dark eyes, tanned, muscular, 6'5
Personality: Adrian is a quiet man always keeping to himself more or less then going out all though he hates his family he cares for his brother that doesn't even know he has a older brother. But he takes care of him with out truly taking care of him. He makes sure he has enough and some extra stuff like money and a broom even though he cant give him these things he trys his best. Adrian is normally working somewhere even if he isnt hunting a witch or wizard. He runs a small bookshop in London. He likes his job very much.