Jackson Gila Full Name: Jackson Gila
Birthday: April 9th
Age: 15
Blood: Pure
Birth Place: Ireland Dublin
Nationality: Irish
Family: Jackson's family is just him, his father and his sister. His mother died when he was young and he hates his father for everything he stands for which is he is on the death eaters side even if Jackson is rude and ass he would never harm another person unless they touched his baby sister Allison. Allison is the only good thing in his life besides being able to get away from his father. Allison is only a year younger them him but he treats her like she is 4 and she doesnt mind. He loves Allison and only she gets to see him truly happy. No one else gets to see him when he is weak or caring.
History: When Jackson was four his mother died after that he cared for his sister alot he never let his father get his mind into Allison he would kill him for that. He grew up quickly by the age of 11 when he had to leave he was always back almost every other weekend to his Allison never letting her be by herself for to to long. He was very happy the next year when Allison came to Hogwarts with him. Allison is the very oppiste of Jackson but you cant find a better pair of siblings then them. Jackson doesn't have any friends so he is always with his sister protracting her and laughing with her unless he is on his broom flying around.
Appearance: Dirty blonde hair, greenish/grayish eyes, Strong build, 6'7 and his hair is normally in a quiff
Personality: Jackson hates most people he is a very cocky person never talking to anyone he dislikes and he dislikes alot of people. He is very mean and curl never caring about anyone but himself really. He will hurt you though if you dare touch or insult his little sister in any form. That is his only weak spot his sister he cares for her so much he'd do anything for her. No one has ever seen him truly happy besides his sister. He loves to be on his broom and is only truly happy when he is ether on his broom flying or with his baby sister.