Theia Ambrose Full Name: Theia Eris Ambrose
Gender: Female
Birthday: 27 May
Age: 23
Blood: Pureblood
Birth Place: Athens, Greece
Nationality: Greek
Current Residence: London, England, UK
Family:Theia is the older of four children, with one younger brother- Alistair- and two younger, twin sisters- Athena and Ariadne. Her extended family is quite large. The family lived in Greec until 1999, when they moved to the United Kingdom, which is where her three siblings were born.
History: Theia was born in Athens, Greece, where her parents had lived for their entire lives. She was well loved and taken care of and she enjoyed spending time with her large family. Her parents, however, decided to leave Greece and immigrate to the United Kingdom so that her father could accept a job offer from the Brittish Ministry. Theia was not happy about leaving her homeland and her extended family, but she soon warmed to the idea of a fresh start and a new place.
In London, she started tutor school with someone whom her parents hired and she learned about mathematics and how to write better English as hers at the time wasn't very good. Less than two years after the move, her brother Alistair was born and she instantly fell in love with him. She liked to help her mother take care of him, and was much the same when her younger sisters joined their family.
Theia started Hogwarts when she was eleven and immediately adored the place. She was a proud Ravenclaw, who tried to evenly spread her time over study and other activities. She played Quidditch for the last four years of her schooling life, and made prefect in her fifth year, although she missed out on Head Girl to an annoyingly friendly Hufflepuff.
Since finishing school, she has studied at university, hoping to become a curse breaker. She has always loved to study ancient civilisations, and she knew that such a job would allow her to assist at archeological sites that were often riddled with old magic.
Appearance: Long, straight red hair, green eyes and a slim build. She is slightly taller than average.
Personality: Theia is a kind hearted, intelligent woman who works hard to get where she wants to be. Unfortunately, that means that her social life is often lacking and she has no real friends. Instead she focuses on her career and her siblings whom she loves dearly.