Izzy Fraychild Full Name: Isabelle Fraychild
Gender: Female
Birthday: June 17th 2004
Age: 11
Blood: Muggleborn
Birth Place: Australia
Nationality: Australian
Family:Izzy has one older brother named Alex she is very close to him since their parents died when Izzy was 5. She knew her brother was a wizard but was extremely shocked when she got her letter this year.
History: Izzy was only 5 when their parents died ever since then Alex had been taking care of her. She was still little and sweet and kind. She mainly sticks to herself since she doesnt know anyone but she alwasy talks to her brother she loves him. When she got her letter this year she was happy she would get to go to school with her big brother.
Appearance: Light blonde hair bright piercing blue eyes, sorta pale, 4'6
Personality: Izzy is a shy and sweet and loves to read she is mainly sticks to herself but she loves to read and watch movies. She doesnt have many friends besides her brother cause she is scared of being disliking her.
Izzy opened the letter her brother had handed her. She screamed and smiled widely. "IM A WITCH!" To most people that would be a bad thing but to Izzy it was the greatest thing in the world she was like her brother. She attacked and hugged him giggling. She knew Alex most likely already knew but she didnt she was so happy. She nuzzled against her brother giggling.